
collections : back to school.

Can you believe it's that time already? Where in the world did the summer go?

1. Cedar Pointe Pencils - Set of Twelve ($5), 2. To-Go Ware 3 Tier Stainless Lunch Box ($21.95), 3. jane street becca pencil case ($75), 4. UPPERCASE Book Bag ($15), 5. Library Pocket Journal ($22), 6. ABC Chalkboard ($20), 7. Geometry Jotter (£6), and 8. Big Stuff Calculator ($14)


  1. I've been thinking the same thing - it honestly feels like summer just started and now it's over. Beautiful collection of items - especially the little pencil case!

  2. September will always mean new "school" supplies for me! Thanks for the great picks.

  3. You know the bit in "You've Got Mail" when they talk about NY in the fall, and a bouquet of freshly-sharpened pencils? It always gets me. I miss going back to school!

  4. Glad you posted this chalk board because I found a similar one on Esty and it got bought :(


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